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Wrongful Death Attorney In Savannah, Georgia

Losing a loved one is a life-shattering experience. Surviving spouses, children of the victim, and parents of the victim can file a wrongful death claim. However, this can get complicated if the child is married, has children, or if the parents are divorced.

Generally, any money awarded in a wrongful death claim is split among eligible family members. This is done according to the victim’s will. If there was no will at the time of death, Georgia law specifies how the damages are to be divided.

Wrongful death can occur in several areas:

  • Medical malpractice
  • Defective drugs
  • Product liability
  • Trucking accidents and car accidents
  • Dog bites
  • Slip, trip, and falls
  • Construction site accidents
  • Work accidents
  • Toxic exposure or occupational disease

Calculating damages in a wrongful death action takes several factors into account:

  • Lost wages that the victim would have earned in their lifetime
  • Work-related benefits such as pensions or investments
  • Medical expenses incurred before death that are related to the injury
  • Conscious pain and suffering before death
  • Funeral expenses
  • Burial expenses

There is a 2-year time limit for filing most wrongful death claims in Georgia. The clock starts the day the victim dies. However, there are some exceptions to this deadline. You must file the appropriate request as the Courts rarely grant extensions automatically.

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