When you file a personal injury claim, you are asking the at fault person to compensate you for causing harm to you. Proving your injuries, or damages as they are referred to in the legal world, is one of the most important and challenging aspects of a personal injury case. An injured party can be compensated for physical, emotional, and financial damages.
Whiplash: What Is It?
Whiplash is almost a stereotype in accident claims. Many old TV shows and movies portrayed someone faking a neck injury who was ultimately tricked into revealing the truth when a lawyer purposely dropped a heavy object to prod them to suddenly turn their head.
Occupational Diseases and The Law
Occupational diseases cause 860,000 illnesses and 60,300 deaths in the United States annually, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Illness directly attributed to work environments and/or conditions and exposure is diagnosed in approximately 10 percent of hospitalized patients.
Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Effects
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is caused when the head suffers a sudden trauma. TBI is often diagnosed as a “concussion.”
Is Your Rental Vehicle Safe?
Renting a vehicle for vacation, a business trip, or even renting a sports or luxury car for a special date night or reunion is usually a pleasant experience. People rely on companies to ensure a rental vehicle’s safety.
What Is Insurance Bad Faith?
More and more insurance mishaps—automobile accidents, homeowner issues, among others—are occurring each day. Unfortunately, some policyholders have unfavorable experiences when it comes to filing a claim and getting satisfactory results.
All About Workers’ Compensation Coverage
No one expects to be hurt on the job. When a worker is injured on the job, that worker’s medical costs and a portion of lost income may be covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act. Three important first steps that workers should take to protect this coverage are the following:
Collecting Evidence After an Accident
Whether you are a victim of a slip-and-fall or auto accident, collecting and preserving evidence after an accident is crucial. Go back to the scene as soon as possible and take photographs of anything that may have contributed to an accident. If outside, try to photograph the area at the same time of day and, regardless of location, take photos from multiple angles.
Understanding Your Auto Insurance Coverage
Auto insurance can be complicated. After reading your policy, you may be left wondering what is covered and what is not. Each individual policy is different.
How to Know if You Have a Personal Injury Case
Accidents happen. When you or a loved one has been injured in an accident that was caused by someone else, there are several factors that determine if there are grounds for a personal injury case.